I received an email notice from the Civil War Preservation Trust (CWPT) today that I would like to share with readers that may be interested. In this notice the CWPT stated that the National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public input on what to do with the old Cyclorama building on the Gettysburg battlefield.
Now that the Cyclorama painting has been safely moved and installed in the new Visitor Center, the old building stands as an anachronistic eyesore in my humble opinion. I concur with the CWPT's recommendation that the building should be removed and the area be brought back to its 1863 appearance as much as possible.
There are several ways to contact NPS and/or get more information and to make your suggestion. You can:
1. Write snail-mail style to - Superintendent, Gettysburg National Military Park, 1195 Baltimore, Suite 100, Gettysburg, PA 17325
2. Visit www.nps.gov/gett then click on "Management" and then "Public Involvement"
3. Email to gett_superintendent@nps.gov
4. Fax to 717-334-1891, Attn. Cyclorama building
5. Attend open houses at Gettysburg Museum and Visitor Center on Sept. 16 & 17.
This is a rare chance to be heard and be involved in this important decision. Don't miss it!
I couldn't agree with you more. I think the plan to restore Ziegler's Grove is brilliant. Thanks for posting the links, I plan to send in my two cents.