Sgt. Maj. Thomas Hawkins, 6th USCI |
On March 2, 1870, Sgt. Maj. Christian A.
Fleetwood (4th United States Colored Infantry), wrote in support of 6th
USCI Sgt. Maj. Thomas R. Hawkins’ widow’s request for a pension. After providing
a brief history of Hawkins’ life, which Fleetwood learned through their close
friendship, he shared some of their army trials while under fire. “After engaging
in various raids and foragings, the first severe engagement in which we were
engaged was the heavy fighting in front of Petersburg on the 15th
June 1864, and here fighting with all the cool courage of a veteran, he [Hawkins] was
shot through the arm, and was sent back to hospital,” Fleetwood wrote.
Then Fleetwood shared their experience
at New Market Heights: “He rejoined his regiment in September following, at the
famous Dutch Gap Canal, and a short time afterwards we were ordered to Deep
Bottom, Va., and in the terrible fighting to carry the works at New Market
Heights, he fell shot through shoulder, hip and foot, and lay upon the field
for three hours before he was found and taken to the rear.”
Unfortunately, Sgt. Maj. Hawkins was in common company
with many of his comrades on September 29, 1864. So much promise was cut short
or delayed that day because unselfish commitment to duty proved stronger than
fear. Fleetwood paid tribute to his dear friend Hawkins’ character. “He was a
young man of remarkable natural ability and talent . . . . Brave to a fault,
generous as a prince, a gallant soldier, an affectionate and true husband and
father, a faithful friend, his death leaves a void in the hearts of his associates
that will never be filled by another.” It is likely that many of the men who
fell killed, wounded or captured at New Market Heights could have had similar
sentiments expressed about them.
A thorough search through the Compiled
Military Service Records (CMSR) for all of the regiment’s soldiers helped total
the heavy price the 6th USCI paid at New Market Heights. The numbers
discovered are: 46 men killed in action, 20 fatally wounded, five missing in
action, and 112 wounded but who survived. Of course, as the list below starkly shows,
many of the wounded who lived had their lives forever changed by their New
Market Heights injuries. Sgt. Thomas R. Hawkins was only one of many.
in Action
Pvt. Richard Addison, Co. E, 24,
Leesburg, VA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John Becket, Co. G, 40, Northampton,
VA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Corp. Charles W. Berry, Co. G, 19,
Washington Co, PA; Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. Henry Blackston, Co. I, 23, Newcastle
Co., DE; Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. Peter Brice, Co. H, 21, Armstrong
Co., PA; Pittsburg, PA
Pvt. William Brisco, Co. I, 23,
Newcastle, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Richard Bryant, Co. D, 23,
Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. David Criswell, Co. H, 20,
Lewiston, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Moses Derry, Co. G, 30, Bucks Co.,
PA; Smyrna, DE; substitute
1st Sgt. George H. Ellet, Co.
C, 31, Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles H. Gibson, Co. D, 20, Adams
Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. George W. Green, Co. F, 20, VA;
Greensburg, PA; drafted
Corp. John Green, Co. B, 35, Bushtown,
NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Thomas W. Hamilton, Co. F, 23,
Bucks Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles Harris, Co. D, 27, unknown;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles Holland, Co. E, 34,
Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles Hubbard, Co. D, 20, Harrisburg,
PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John James, Co. F, 20, Mathews Co.,
VA; Smyrna, VA; substitute
Pvt. Charles Johnson, Co. D, 22, Carroll
Co., MD; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. George F. Johnson, Co. F, 21,
Smyrna, DE; Smyrna, DE
Pvt. Peter Johnson, Co. B, 26, Loudon
Co., VA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Noah Jones, Co. D, 35, Fairfax Co.,
VA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. Neil Kempt, Co. B, 25, Georgetown,
VA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William Kenny, Co. D, 22, unknown;
Philadelphia, PA, substitute
Pvt. Thomas Kyser, Co. D, 20, New York,
NY; West Chester, PA; substitute
Pvt. William H. Lewis, Co. K, 19,
Washington Co., PA; Pittsburg, PA
Corp. William Lucus, Co. D, 23,
Washington D.C.; Philadelphia, PA
2nd Lt. Frederick Meyer, Co.
B, 37, unknown; Washington D.C.
Pvt. John A. Norris, Co. G, 40, unknown;
Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. Emanuel Patterson, Co. D, 23,
Greene Co., PA; West Chester, PA; drafted
Pvt. William Pence, Co. C, 25,
Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. James Robinson, Co. I, 24,
Philadelphia, PA; Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. Alexander Rogers, Co. I, 21, Dover,
DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted
Sgt. Thomas Scott, Co. E, 26, Pittsburgh,
PA; Pittsburg, PA; drafted; “Always present with company and was prompt and
faithful in the execution of all duty and brave in battle . . . .”
Pvt. William Scott, Co. F, 28,
Chambersburg, PA; Smyrna, PA; substitute
Capt. George Wright Sheldon, Co. H, 26,
Mount Morris, NY; Washington D.C.; previously served in 126th New
York Infantry
Pvt. Amos M. Shinn, Co. B, Allen, PA;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William Simpiss, Co. B; 22, DE;
Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Henry Skeere (Skeen), Co. C, 27,
Cecil Co., MD; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Henry Swartz, Co. B, 24, Lancaster,
PA; Lancaster, PA
Corp. Jeremiah Walker, Co. D, 22,
Hampton, VA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Albert Waters, Co. K, 22, Kent Co.,
DE; Smyrna, DE; substitute
Corp. Robert Webster, Co. H, 20,
Armstrong Co., PA; Pittsburgh, PA
Corp. John West, Co. C, 33, Washington
Co., PA; New Brighton, PA
Corp. Archibald Wright, Co. G, 38,
Loudon Co., VA; Harrisburg, PA; substitute
Capt. Charles V. York, Co. B, 25, NY;
Washington D.C.; previously served with 10th New York Heavy
Pvt. Thomas Anderson, Co. E, 20, Bucks
Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA; head wound; “wounded in action September 29, 1864,
and jumped overboard while being conveyed from Point of Rocks Hospital, Va to
U.S. Gen. Hospital at Hampton, Va by steamer Thomas Powell Oct. 3, 1864. His
wound produced insanity which caused the act.”
Corp. Thomas Augustus, Co. E, 20,
Newark, DE; Philadelphia, PA; died at Fort Monroe on 10-14-64, from gunshot
wound to right lung received at New Market Heights
Pvt. Enoch Boyer, Co. B, 27, Smyrna, DE;
Philadelphia, PA; died aboard steamer George Leary on 10-29-64
Pvt. James Clark, 23, Indiana, PA;
Greensburg, PA; substitute; died on 11-26-64 at Balfour Hospital in Portsmouth,
VA from wounds
Corp. Robert Davis, Co. G, 34, New
Castle Co., DE; Smyrna, DE; died on 10-11-64 from gunshot wound of left lung
Pvt. William Empson, Jr., Co. I, 28, New
Castle Co., DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted; died on 10-2-64 from gunshot wound to
Pvt. Absalom Gibbs, Co. F, 21, Dover,
DE; West Chester, PA; died on 3-12-65 from pneumonia and amputation of left
Pvt. Perry Hamilton, Co. K, 21, New
Castle Co., DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted; died on 10-10-64 from wound in back
injuring spine
1st Sgt. William Hazzard, Co.
K, 25, New Castle Co, DE; Smyrna, DE, died on 12-30-64 from wound to left leg
Pvt. Jonathan Henson, Co. G, 34, Chester
Co., PA; Lancaster Co., PA; drafted; died on 10-1-64 from wounds
Pvt. Ellis Hughes, Co. E, 28, Rochester,
NY; Schenectady, NY; died 10-12-64 from shell wounds
Pvt. James A. Kane, Co. C, 30, Allegheny
Co., PA; Allegheny City, PA, drafted, died 10-13-64 from gunshot wound in leg
1st Lt.
Lafayette Landon, Co H, 20; Jefferson County, NY; Washington D.C.; died on 10-28-64
from gunshot wound to left thigh
2nd Lt. William H. McEvoy,
Co. I, 21, NY; Yorktown, VA; died on 11-9-64 from blood poisoning from
exsection of left elbow due to gunshot wound
Pvt. Joseph Money,
Co. C, 32, Salem, NJ; Frankford, PA; substitute; died on 10-24-64 from gunshot
wound of left shoulder
Sgt. Richard
Servant, Co. D, 24, Fort Monroe, VA; Philadelphia, PA; died on 11-6-64 from
gunshot wounds
Pvt. Jacob Slyder,
Co. C, 17, Franklin Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA; died on 10-14-64 from gunshot
Pvt. John Smith, Co.
F, 27, Delaware Co., PA; West Chester, PA; died on 10-12-64 from gunshot wound
to left knee joint resulting in amputation, death resulting from second
Pvt. John A. Steele,
Co. H, 19, Clarion Co., DE; Pittsburgh, PA; died on 10-27-64 from gunshot wound
to left leg
Pvt. Edward
Williams, Co. C, 27, Montgomery Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA; died on 10-6-64 from
gunshot wound to abdomen
in Action
Pvt. Henry Braxton, Co. B, 21, New Kent
Co., VA; Yorktown, VA
Pvt. Nathaniel Danks, 25, Co. D, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; wounded and taken prisoner
Pvt. Benjamin Davis, Co. E, 24, Hertford
Co., MD; Philadelphia, PA; missing in action since 9-29-64; supposed to have
died in the enemy’s hands
Pvt. William W. Robinson, Co. B, 20,
Delaware, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles H. Steward, Co. B, 26,
Concord, DE; West Chester, PA; drafted
Maj. Harvey H. Covell, 27, Ashtabula
County, OH; originally served with 23rd Ohio Inf.; disability
discharge on 4-25-65 due to gunshot wound to right forearm with fracture of
Sgt. Maj. Thomas R. Hawkins, 23,
Cincinnati, OH; Philadelphia, PA; substitute; disability discharge on 5-9-65
from wounds in three places including thigh and great toe; Medal of Honor recipient
Capt. Robert B. Beath, 24, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; formerly of 88th Pennsylvania Inf.; amputation
of wounded right leg; disability discharge 9-20-65
Pvt. James H. Cooper, 35, Hampshire
County, VA [WV}; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. David H. Irons, 24, Chester Co.,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge 5-16-65 from amputation of right leg
Pvt. John A. Wright, 30, Chester Co.,
PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John Crawford, 21, Harris, AL;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Joseph Gibson, 17, Bushtown, NJ; Philadelphia,
Pvt. John Harvey, 26, Indiana, PA;
Greensburg, PA; substitute
1st Lt. Nathaniel N. Hubbard,
21, Trumbull Co., OH; disability discharge on 3-3-65 from wound to left leg and
Pvt. John Marshall, 24, Delaware Co.,
PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John McCroby, 22, Fayette, PA; New
Brighton, PA; drafted
Pvt. Joseph Moore, 16, Chester, PA;
Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Anthony Ridley, 22, Lewisburg, PA;
Lancaster, PA; substitute
Pvt. Charles Ridley, 22, unknown;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Isaac Thompson, 26, Lancaster, PA;
Lancaster, PA; drafted
Pvt. James Banks, 22, Washington Co.,
PA; New Brighton, PA
Pvt. Alfred Becket, 21, Wilmington, DE;
Philadelphia, PA
Sgt. William H. Butler, 23,
Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA; amputation of right thigh; disability
discharge 5-29-65
Pvt. William Carson, 35, Delaware;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William Gover (Grover), 17, Chester
Co., PA; Philadelphia, PA
1st Lt. Enoch Jackman, 25,
unknown, Washington D.C.; gunshot wound of left hand (slight)
Corp. Abraham Lewis, 29, Washington Co.,
PA; New Brighton, PA; drafted
Pvt. Charles Lewis, 31, Caroline Co.,
MD; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge on 6-12-65 from gunshot wound to
right shoulder and loss of use of arm
Pvt. James Miller, 24, Washington Co.,
PA; New Brighton, PA; drafted
Pvt. Josiah Nelson, 17, Ithaca, NY;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John Wallace, 25, Philadelphia, PA;
Philadelphia; disability discharge on 6-16-65
Sgt. Robert Biles, 20, Monmouth Co., NJ;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Joseph Brown, 21, Washington Co.,
PA; New Brighton, PA; drafted
Pvt. Phillip Cole, 23, Chester, PA;
Chester, PA; substitute
Pvt. James Ferrill, 23, Greene Co., PA; New
Brighton, PA; drafted; disability discharge on 8-14-65 from gunshot wound to
left hand
Pvt. Jacob Hammond, 22, Chester, PA;
Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Lawrence Jackson, 20, Northampton
NC; Philadelphia, PA; substitute
2nd Lt. John B. Johnson, 17,
unstated, Washington, D.C.; wounded in left arm
Sgt. Ephraim Maloney, 25, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted; disability discharge on 1-3-65 from gunshot
wound to right leg
Pvt. Andrew Mitchell, 23, Carroll Co.,
MD; West Chester, PA; gunshot wound of left thigh and right hip
1st Sgt. Miles Parker, 26,
Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William H. Redmon, 20, VA; Chester
Co., PA; substitute
Pvt. James Richmond, 26, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. Henry Scott, 18, Culpeper, VA; Philadelphia,
Pvt. Robert Williams, 22, Baltimore, MD;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Joseph Fullum, 20, Washington Co.,
PA; New Brighton, PA; drafted; served out the war in hospital, no disability
discharge provided
Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, 28, Unstated;
Philadelphia, PA
1st Sgt. Thomas C. Johnson,
27, Unstated; Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Benjamin Richards, 34, Pittsburgh,
PA; Pittsburgh, PA; drafted
Sgt. William Strange, unknown, Frederick
Co., VA; Allegheny Co., PA; drafted
Pvt. Richard Chew, 36, New York, NY;
West Chester, PA
Pvt. James H. Clinton, 20, Wilmington,
DE; Smyrna, DE
Corp. John Davis, 23, Monmouth, NJ;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Lewis Dickson, 25, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; disability discharge 4-28-65 from exsection of right elbow joint
Pvt. Francis J. Griffith, 20, PA; Philadelphia,
PA; substitute; disability discharge on 7-26-65 from amputation of right arm
Pvt. George S. Johnson, 27, Smyrna, DE;
Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. Louis Mills, 35, Mifflin Co., PA; Philadelphia,
Pvt. Benjamin F. Phillips, 27, Allegheny
Co., PA; Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. John D. Rias, 30, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. Charles Rider, 22, Wilmington, DE;
Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. Joseph Rider, 25, New Castle, DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. John Spence, 35, Talbot Co., MD;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. William E. Wilson, 20, Newville,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; substitute
Pvt. Samuel Anderson, 23, New Castle,
DE; Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. James Black, 30, Fayette Co., PA;
Greensburg, PA; drafted
Pvt. John H. Graham, 23, VA; Greensburg,
PA; drafted
Pvt. Richard M. Johnson, 21, MD;
Greensburg, PA; drafted
Corp. Charles Miller, 22, Lancaster, PA;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. Richard Riley, 18, Berkley Co., VA,
Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. James Smith, 26, Warren Co., NC;
Smyrna, DE; substitute
Sgt. William Waters, 20, Cape Island,
NJ; Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Sgt. Solomon Darrah, 27, Bucks County,
PA; West Chester, PA; disability discharge 6-12-64 from gunshot wound in right
elbow joint
1st Lt. Nathan Edgerton, 27,
Belmont Co., OH; Washington, D.C.; wounded in right hand while carrying the
colors; Medal of Honor recipient
Sgt. Wilson Grant, 24, Loudon, VA;
Lancaster, PA; died 10-21-64 from wounds received in action
Pvt. Charles H. Johnson, 21, PA;
Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge on 5-22-65 from gunshot wound of left
Pvt. Peter A. Johnson, 20, DE;
Norristown, PA; substitute
Pvt. Henry Morgan, 33, PA; Philadelphia,
Pvt. George Perkins, 18, Fayette Co.,
PA; Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. Jacob Roberts, 18, Blairsville, PA;
Pittsburgh, PA
Pvt. Charles Roland, 22, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge on 5-17-65 from gunshot wound
causing loss of 1/3 of lower jaw
Pvt. Franklin Viney, 25, Philadelphia,
PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Spencer Wesley, 18, Lancaster, PA;
West Chester, PA; substitute
Pvt. William Badger, 42, New Castle, DE;
Smyrna, DE; amputation of left arm; surgeon’s certificate of disability,
discharged 4-14-64
Pvt. Robert Butler, 21, King George Co.,
VA; Reading, PA; drafted
Pvt. James Dayton, 24, Kent County, DE;
Smyrna, DE; disability discharge 4-19-65 from amputation of right leg
Pvt. John Duckery, 36, New Castle Co.,
DE; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge 5-27-65 from gunshot wound to right
Pvt. Alexander Goldsburg, 25, MD;
Smyrna, DE
Corp. William Hall, 20, Kent Co., MD;
Smyrna, DE
Pvt. George Harris, 21, Mercer Co., NJ;
Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Adolphus Johnson, 20, Sussex Co.
DE; Smyrna, DE; substitute; deserted from hospital on 12-25-64
Pvt. Paterson Hartshorn, 32, Centre Co.,
PA; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge 5-27-65 from gunshot wound to right
Corp. Charles Peter, 20, New Castle Co.,
DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. Charles Samson, 22, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted; disability discharge 6-28-65 from gunshot wound to right
Pvt. William Thomas Simmons, 19, New
Castle Co., DE; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Joseph Singer, 20, Caroline Co.,
MD; Smyrna, DE; substitute
Sgt. (Color Bearer) Daniel W. Smith, 22,
Centre Co., PA; West Lock Haven, PA; disability discharge 6-28-65 from gunshot
wound to right shoulder
Pvt. James Smith, 20, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; substitute
Pvt. Wilson Spencer, 35, New Castle Co.,
DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. Lewis Taylor, 27, Cecil Co., MD;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. George Wilson, 18, Bedford Co., PA;
Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Hezekiah Wilson, 33, Philadelphia,
PA, Philadelphia, PA; drafted
Pvt. Charles Berry, 21, Kent County, DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. David Coston, 20, Kent County, DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted; disability discharge 6-17-65 from White Hall Gen. Hospital
due to amputation of right thigh
Pvt. Isaac Gales, 24, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted; gunshot wound of left leg
Pvt. Joseph Gales, 28, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Sgt. Charles Garner, 19, Clinton Co.,
PA; Williamsport, PA; substitute; gunshot wound left leg
Corp. Alexander Henry, 30, New Castle
Co., DE; Smyrna, DE; drafted; gunshot wound to right shoulder
Pvt. Isaac Hubbardson, 24, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. Isaac Lee, 30, New Castle, DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted; disability discharge on 6-16-65 from gunshot wound of left
Pvt. James Manlon, 25, Kent Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; drafted
Pvt. Edward Mills, 35, Centre Co., PA; Williamsport,
PA; drafted
Pvt. Isaac Purnell, 22, Sussex Co., DE;
Smyrna, DE; substitute
Corp. Edward Raner, 18, Weldon, SC;
Harrisburg, PA; substitute
Pvt. Isaac Robinson, 26, Philadelphia,
PA; Smyrna, DE; disability discharge on 7-25-65 from gunshot wound to left
shoulder fracturing humerus
Pvt. John Short, 29, Philadelphia, PA;
Philadelphia, PA; substitute
Pvt. William E. Snowden, 22, Georgetown,
MD; Harrisburg, PA; substitute
Corp. William Williams, 26, New Castle
Co., DE, Smyrna, DE, drafted
This list was not produced in attempt to
sensationalize the pain these men suffered, but rather to acknowledge the
sacrifices they were willing to endure to ensure the death of slavery, show
themselves men and worthy of citizenship and thus the guarantees of the
Constitution, and maintain the Union of the states. In addition, hopefully this
enumeration helps descendants make connections with their soldier ancestors.
Courageously done, men of the 6th!